Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Personal Protection - Our Right - Our Duty

Our country's foundation is based on its people having "certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness". Our government, "deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed", provides for our national, state, local and individual safety and security. It provides our armed forces, police forces and fire departments. The government cannot protect us from everything however. Therefore, we also have the right, and the duty, to personally protect ourselves and property. There are passive and active ways to do this.

Passively we stay vigilant about our surroundings. We stay away from dangerous situations and do not leave our belonging in places where they may be taken. We are careful about fire and electricity. We obey speed limits. There are other things as well, but you get the picture.

The simplest active option, used by most people, is locking doors and windows. What are some other active options? We can use weapons, both lethal and non-lethal, alarms and surveillance devices.

Most people are uncomfortable using lethal weapons such as guns and knives. Too many bad things can happen with them. Alternatives include mace/pepper spray, stun guns/tazers, whistles and martial arts. The idea with these alternatives is to stall the attacker for enough time to get away or bring help. Alarms and surveillance devises are used to protect our property and to make sure the babysitter is behaving.

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