Thursday, March 22, 2007

Pepper Shot Spray Helps subdue Thieves

I have been security guard in a major department store for over 20 years and have always carried Pepper Shot spray. One of my primary duties is to watch for shoplifters and to detain them once they go outside the store. You never know how a person is going to react when they are being detained for shoplifting. Some people are flustered and come back quietly, while others attempt to run or even attack you. I am not a large lady, but I carry Pepper Shot spray as one way to protect myself against shoplifters who would rather fight than surrender.

Every year on my birthday, family members would give me new cans of Pepper Shot spray—it got to be a family joke about mom taking down the bad guys. Sometimes I grew tired of this joke, but never again!

I usually detain several shoplifters everyday. It is amazing the number of people who think they can walk into a store and steal merchandise. Even if I do not spot them, the surveillance cameras throughout the store are monitored constantly by other employees. When someone is seen putting items under their clothes or into bags, the floor guards are alerted to the situation. We put ourselves into positions where we can watch the potential shoplifter and the exits.

On this particular day, there were three men stealing merchandise. They were spotted on the surveillance cameras working a scam on the sale person in the jewelry department. They would keep her moving back and forth between them asking to see different pieces of jewelry, then; they would pocket items when she was busy with the other person.

I saw the men working their scam from a distance and was momentarily stunned that they were all so big. I had a gut feeling that they were not going to be willing to stop when we approached them outside of the store. There were 2 fresh cans of Pepper Shot spray in leatherette holsters with belt clips attached to my uniform—birthday gifts from my family that were meant to be a joke. Carefully, I handed a can of Pepper Shot spray to my partner and also put a can in my hand and unlocked it.

We were standing by an exit door and were ready to stop the shoplifters as soon as they exited the store. Once the three men left the jewelry counter, they split up and each headed for a different exit. The man coming toward us was extremely large and muscular. All I could think of was 'how in the world' were we going to stop him. He was moving quickly and was through the door in a flash with the two of us behind him.

Once challenged, he did stop immediately, but he turned and came charging back at us. The Pepper Shot spray that hit his face immediately caused swelling in his eyes and difficulty in breathing. He went down quickly—never expecting a female security guard to stop him.

Guard America
10657 San Sicily Street, Las Vegas, NV 89141
Phone/Fax: (702) 914-3722

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